Meeting preparations
This page was written when we met regularly. We're keeping it around in case we get back in to that.
Before the previous month's meeting
Set the date and, if possible, the location.
Announce them at the previous month's meeting.
Add them to the home page.
Two weeks before the meeting
Choose a time and place for the coordinating committee meeting.
Add the CoCo meeting to the home page.
Mail group to invite them to the CoCo meeting.
One week before the meeting
Coordinating committee meets
Assign every task below this point on this list to someone.
Before the meeting
Write an agenda.
Share it to the CoCo for editing.
Link to it from the home page.
Print a copy for anyone who will lead or speak at part of the meeting.
If appropriate, print copies for other attendees.
Write a flyer.
Share it to the CoCo for editing.
Print copies.
Post in neighborhood businesses and, if appropriate, distribute to residences.
Post an event on NextDoor.
Approximately the Thursday before the meeting
Mail important people who are not members of our email list to let them know we're meeting. Currently Dave does this and has a list of addresses.
Approximately the Monday before the meeting
Mail the entire group to remind them of the meeting. Include a link to the agenda if appropriate.
During the meeting
Take minutes. Where possible, put a name next to every action item.
After the meeting
Update the home page to reflect that the meeting has taken place.
Circulate minutes to CoCo for editing.
Link to minutes from home page.
Mail the entire group with a link to the minutes.
Carry out action items.